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Kamis, 13 Maret 2025 08:02:59 AM

How To Make Your Computer Faster: Registry Cleaner, Improving PC Performance

If your computer is running slow, boost performance with this free PC maintenance process!


It happens to all of us. You buy a new computer, you set it up, you turn it on, and it blows you away with its blazing speed. Then a year passes, then another, and pretty soon it seems like you're mired in crashes, slowdowns, that dreaded Mac beach ball, a PC that takes ages to start up, or a computer that hangs in limbo when you try to shut it down. You’re left wondering, “How do I make my computer faster?” In the past, instead of trying to make your computer run faster, you might have just bought a new computer. But in this economy you can’t just purchase a new computer if yours is running too slow. Isn't there a way to speed up a computer without spending an arm and a leg?

Yes. There are many slow computer solutions available to help your machine run faster. From basic housekeeping to increasing your RAM, these computer tips and tricks will help you learn how to make your computer faster.

Do Some Housekeeping

Whether you have a Mac, a PC, or even a Linux box, if you haven't done regular maintenance since you got your computer, there likely are a lot of simple things you can do to increase computer speed.

“If your PC is running slow,” says PC and security expert Robert McMillan, who has written about computer technology (including ways to speed up a computer) since 1996, “uninstall apps that you're not using. See what's running in the background and remove it if you don't need it. Think about uninstalling Java. That's a major resource hog, and often a big security risk too.” So if you’re asking yourself, “How can you speed up your computer?” assess all the unnecessary programs you have running when your computer gets started.

Don’t worry about spending a lot of money because you can learn how to speed up a PC for free. There are plenty of free and built-in utilities for Windows housekeeping if your computer is running slow. Startup Delayer, a free download at;txt, delays programs that may be bogging down your startup time. If you find programs you never use—useless or unwanted stuff bloating your system—it’s always a good idea to uninstall it for good to get a faster computer (Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs).

For the programs you decide to keep, Startup Delayer staggers their launch time so that your computer is faster when it starts. The selected programs run in the background after your machine is already booted, giving you a faster PC. It also lets you easily remove programs entirely from startup (without deleting them from your system). If your computer is running slow, keep in mind that many programs launch by default at startup so that they can constantly scan the Internet for updates, which is not necessarily something you want them to do.

On Windows machines, there are also built-in utilities to make a PC faster. Disk Cleanup can speed up your PC by getting rid of clutter. All those temporary Internet and Windows files, downloads you no longer need and trash you never empty all make your computer run slower. Disk Defragmenter consolidates chopped up files on your computer's hard drive, to make your computer run faster.


In general, Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools will take you to these tools to fix a slow computer. Microsoft offers detailed online instructions on using these and other potentially speed-enhancing utilities to make a computer run faster—no matter what versions of Windows you’re using. For more information about how to make your PC faster for free, check out

In your search for how to make your computer faster, you may have come across many online sources for what are known as registry cleaners. Unfortunately, a lot of these products are bogus programs that cost money and can actually damage your computer rather than making a computer faster. Microsoft itself has sued several producers of this so-called “scareware” to get them out of the marketplace, but many simply reappear under a different name. A registry cleaner purports to be a tool for inspecting and repairing the Windows registry—all of these tools are marketed to Windows users—and typically targets users by preying on their vulnerability. (They may have ads saying, “Are you wondering, ‘How can I make my computer faster?’ Let us fix your slow computer for free!”) Another typical tactic is persistent popups claiming to help make your PC faster. These popups may appear even on legitimate sites, and almost invariably contain alarming messages about your computer running slow or needing repairs. Back away from them by shutting down your browser—Alt F4 will close it—if necessary. Do NOT click on these popups. They will most likely harm your computer rather than improve PC performance.

Not all registry cleaners are bogus, but they should all be approached with extreme caution, and ONLY downloaded from trusted sites. “Some are legitimate,” says Robert McMillan,” but they're kind of like diet pills. They promise you a quick fix for something that often cannot be quickly fixed.” Tinkering with your Windows registry (whether to make your computer faster or for some other reason) is inherently dangerous—you can cause serious damage. If you want to know how to fix a slow computer, it’s not something to be attempted by a beginner. A legitimate (and free) registry tool, such as CCleaner ( also offers other utilities which may make a computer run faster (including getting rid of temporary files and managing startup options).

Tools for Mac and Linux

If you don’t own a PC, you may be asking, “How can I make my Mac computer faster?” Don’t worry; there are ways to speed up your computer for free if it’s a Mac, too. When it comes to Macs, many people get in the bad habit of leaving their Macs in sleep mode because it is so easy to do. Macs are hard-wired to run cleanup maintenance scripts in the early morning—but if they are always asleep or shut down, the scripts don't run, which can create a backlog of junk that can lead to slow computer problems. If you're fairly savvy at using the Terminal prompt you can run these scripts manually which may help you speed up your computer. You can find the instructions here: Better yet, a free utility like Onyx will help make your computer run faster.

Onyx also assists with other cleanup, maintenance and optimization tasks, including showing you what programs you're actually starting up every time you turn on your computer which can help you identify where to start to fix a slow running computer. (Again, you may be loading things into memory that you never use.) The Onyx site ( offers downloads for most recent Mac software and hardware configurations, including Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger, Panther and even Jaguar.

For Linux machines, a free computer speed-up program (well, almost all Linux programs are free) called kleansweep assists in removing unnecessary files that may be taking up space and draining system resources. To fix a slow computer with kleansweep, check out A program called PreLoad ( can also help a slow computer run faster because it improves overall performance on Linux machines, putting unused RAM to use.

Streamlined software alternatives can also make your Linux computer faster. If you only need basic word processing, don't use OpenOffice with its many features. A program with a smaller footprint like Koffice ( will be snappier and keep your computer running faster. If you’re wondering how to make your Internet faster, Opera is lighter weight than Firefox. If you're running Ubuntu (a popular version of Linux) you can speed up your boot time by fine-tuning the process with Boot-up-Manager, available for download at (

Use Common Sense

When you ask yourself how to make my computer faster, there are some basic actions you can take. Here are some of the simplest and easiest tips for slow computer troubleshooting. If you have ten programs open, you're going to be sucking a lot of resources from your CPU, causing it to run slowly. If you're not using a program—close it. The same goes for having many windows open in your web browser, or having many photos open at once in a program like PhotoShop.

I have to confess that this is one of my own worst habits. When learning how to make a computer faster, you should also learn to check your available memory. Just for fun you can press CTL-ALT-DEL on your Windows machine, then click the performance tab, and view available memory. Open a couple of basic programs—word processing software, say, and a web browser—then open PhotoShop (or another memory-intensive program) and open six or seven of those beautiful pictures you took on vacation, and watch what happens to your CPU usage and your available memory. Now you can see why your computer is running slow.

MenuMeters (, a free program for Mac, is a nifty little tool that supplies CPU and activity monitoring. It can clean your Mac and is thereby free software to speed up your computer. While there are other ways to clean a Mac to make it run faster, MenuMeters is a popular little add-on.

If you have a lot of large files—a video, photo or extensive music collection, for example—consider keeping them on a separate drive so your computer can run faster. When learning how to make a computer faster, keep in mind that your operating system—Mac, PC or anything else—will slow significantly if it's on a drive with little available free space. You can fix computer slow downs by using external hard drives. When buying a separate external drive, it will be worth it to spend a little bit extra and get a faster drive (7200 vs 5400 on a Mac, for example). Keep your machine updated—whatever your OS is—because this will assure that you're getting the latest updates, security patches and bug fixes which may help speed up a slow computer.

Spyware and Malware

One of the best things you can do to learn how to make a computer faster is to guard against malware, which comes in so many constantly evolving variations that it's all but impossible to keep up with.

Viruses, scareware, trojans, bots, rootkits, worms, spyware, adware—it’s all bad junk, and professionals call it malware (malicious software). Malware can help slow a computer down. For a home user, the course of transmission is through the Internet—whether by clicking a link in an infected e-mail, being attacked through a browser vulnerability, or simply visiting a malicious Web site. Unfortunately for Windows users, they have always been the primary targets of malicious software.

“The vast majority of malicious activity today targets Windows PCs, so Mac and Linux users can rightfully feel a sense of security superiority when they're on the Internet,” says Robert McMillan. “It takes time to write these computer attacks, and if the bad guys feel they'll get a lot more victims by writing something that works on Windows XP, then that's what they're going to do. That said, we're seeing some interest in the Mac platform these days. There are a few Mac Trojan horse programs out there, but they're currently not much of a threat. However, if Apple's market share keeps growing, it's only a matter of time before Mac users really start getting hit, too.” So it’s not just PC users who have to worry about how to fix a slow computer that’s caused by malware.

While malware can do tremendous damage to entire systems as it spreads, one of the likeliest and most visible consequences to an unwitting home user may be aggravating slow downs. Not only do you want to get rid of the malware, but you also want to learn how to make a computer run faster.

If the previously mentioned ways to speed up your computer don’t work, fortunately there are many quality anti-virus programs available to help your computer run more quickly.

Writer and author Neil Rubenking is an Advisory Board member for the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization. He writes regularly for PC Magazine, and his recent article (,2817,2372364,00.asp) ranks the current selection of free and paid anti-malware programs available for Windows users to help you learn how to make a PC faster. On the list are a range of choices for both cleanup and prevention. “A product should do both,” says Rubenking.

There are companies that now make anti-virus and anti-spyware products for Macs that can repair a slow computer. Sophos ( is one of them; it recently announced its discovery of the nasty-sounding, but apparently not particularly dangerous, “Blackhole RAT,” a Trojan aimed at Macs. (Sophos offers a free anti-virus program for Mac home users:

It’s very important to protect your computer from malware, but, surprisingly, it probably isn’t necessary to spend money because you can find a free computer speed-up program out there.

“If I were a Mac user, I probably wouldn't buy AV (anti-virus software) right now,” explains McMillan. “But then I wouldn't pay for it on my PC either. The anti-virus industry's dirty little secret is that you really don't need to buy AV any more, especially if you avoid risky behavior online. Avoiding open Wi-Fi, risky sites and questionable documents, keeping your software patched, and using free AV such as Microsoft's OneCare ( or AVG ( will do a lot to keep you secure.” Learning how to make your computer fast doesn’t have to cost you a lot of cash.

There are a number of other highly regarded free sources of protection (see Neil Rubenking’s detailed article above); many of them also offer maintenance utilities which will help make the computer faster and keep it running smoothly on other fronts.

Linux machines are currently the safest of the three major operating systems. But there is malware out there that affects Linux and could have you searching for ways to make your computer run faster. However, while experts don't all agree, many discount the likely harm of widespread damage from Linux malware.

Individual users, however, may be able to cause damage to their own systems, a point worth noting since many Netbooks shipped to newbies came equipped with various flavors of Linux (Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu). “It's possible for someone brand-new to Linux to work hard to overcome various built-in system protections, fetch off the Internet a program written to hurt Linux systems, run it with root-user ('God'-user) authority, and thereby damage or subvert the system so it needs to be shut down and rebuilt,” says senior system administrator and well-known Linux expert Rick Moen. However, “There are features throughout the system to discourage such actions.”

It certainly is possible that some day as Linux gets more popular among consumers, hackers will be more interested in writing malicious code directed at it, but it may not be aimed at laptops or desktops. Even today Linux—long regarded as a programmer's language and not really for the average user—is the engine inside many incredibly popular consumer appliances, not just computers.

“Every single TiVo has a full-blown Linux computer under the hood,” says Moen. “Ditto many smartphones, many PDAs, most residential Wi-Fi gateway routers, and even IBM's Watson supercomputer that just won the Jeopardy playoff. Somehow, one never hears that regular users will never be able to figure out a TiVo—but then, many of the most ubiquitous Linux devices, such as TiVos, get perceived as somehow not even being computers at all.”

While there are lots of free resources for preventing malware, that won’t make you feel much better if you’re already infected and battling time-consuming popups, browser hijacks, or worse. At that point you just want to know how to speed up your computer.

The Microsoft Malware Protection center offers tools for determining if you're infected, and a 24-hour hotline for security and virus issues: 1-866-PCSafety (1-866-727-2338) or you can visit the Web site at Clearing these issues up can definitely make a computer run faster.

There are also a number of free online forums moderated by experts, which can help you diagnose and treat your problem. Spyware Info Forum ( and the LandzDown forum ( are good places to start.

While getting rid of malware and doing some computer housekeeping may provide some slow computer fixes, that’s not all you’ll need to do to speed up your PC, Mac or Linux computer. You can also learn how to make your computer faster by adjusting some hardware issues.

Increase Your Memory

One of the simplest and most effective ways to get a faster computer, particularly if it's a bit older and has less than two gigabytes of RAM, is simply to add more. When learning how to speed up your computer, “Spend your money on memory,” says Robert McMillan.

RAM (random access memory) is what your computer uses to read and write data—to follow your instructions and make your programs run. If you want to learn how to increase computer speed, you’ll need enough RAM. When you don't have enough RAM for the task at hand, the computer is forced to do what's called “paging”—essentially borrowing memory from your hard drive. This borrowed memory is much slower than RAM memory, and the process used to access it can slow your computer to a crawl.

If you have less than two gigabytes of RAM, adding RAM will likely significantly speed up a slow PC or Mac. If you already have two gigabytes or more of RAM, additional memory may improve performance for memory-intensive tasks and programs (like video editing, gaming or using PhotoShop); however, you may not see dramatic improvement in day-to-day tasks like web surfing or word processing.

You can't just add any memory chip to your computer. If you want to know how to make your computer run faster, the RAM you add must be compatible with what you are already using, and it must fit the slot available. There are many different types of RAM depending on the age, OS and hardware you're using. Memory seller Crucial ( offers a simple free tool that will scan your system to let you know what kind of memory to buy, how much you can add to your system and how many slots are available. You can then buy the RAM directly from Crucial, or shop around. NewEgg and offer discounted RAM from quality suppliers.

When figuring out how to speed up a slow computer, it is important to buy and use high-quality RAM—look for brands like Hynix, Samsung, Nanya, Micron, Crucial and Kingston. If you have a Mac, you probably already know that RAM is very high-priced when bought through Apple. Mac RAM Direct ( offers the same premium RAM from the same suppliers (Apple doesn't manufacture its own RAM), usually at a significant discount, and it comes with a lifetime replacement warranty. In many cases, the RAM you buy here for older Macs will make your computer run faster than the RAM that came from Apple originally.

Installing RAM can be a very simple process even for the technologically impaired, and there are many guides out there. However, some computers (smaller laptops, usually) have RAM tucked away in inaccessible places, making installation too intimidating for a newbie.

Apple offers detailed instructions on its Web site (e.g. this is a tutorial for the MacBook: for upgrading RAM (even for old iBooks and Powerbooks) to make a computer run faster. Simply search in the Apple support forums for your make and model. The extensive site Macrumors ( also offers detailed computer tips and guides to buying, installing and testing RAM.

If you’re learning how to make a PC run faster by adding RAM, PCWorld has a nice straightforward tutorial ( for upgrading RAM in a desktop. Always remember to work safely—your computer must be turned off and battery removed (if it is a laptop) before attempting any upgrade.

Are you more concerned with how to make your Internet faster rather than your actual computer? To make the Internet faster, a good place to start is a basic bandwidth speed test: Check out services like this one at McAfee: (Be careful to use a trusted source for this kind of testing—bogus bandwidth testing sites are also frequent lurking places for scareware.) If you're paying for high-speed Internet and bandwidth tests show you’re not getting it consistently, using these tricks to speed up a computer won't help. Call your Internet provider to complain and ask, “How to make my Internet faster.”

Tips on Malware

When learning how to make a computer run faster, it is advisable to install a quality anti-virus or anti-spyware program from a trusted (and free, ideally) source; however, more is not better. If more than one such real-time program is installed on your computer, you may generate conflicts rather than create a computer speed-up solution. Choose a single quality program and keep it up to date. Keep your system updated as well.

If you’re asking, “How to make my computer faster?” know that prevention is always best. Experts advise that p2p (peer-to-peer) networks are notoriously risky when it comes to malware, as are open Wi-Fi connections. Files with .EXE, .DOC, .PDF are also more likely to be dangerous—in general it's best not to open any attachment you receive online, even from a friend, unless you are expecting it. Robert McMillan wrote a great article in PCWorld ( for advanced users detailing some advanced protection tactics that will help you remember how to speed up a computer. Don’t worry; you’re not being paranoid. They are out to get you.


Sumber : How To Do Things

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